it's saturday evening and i am... tired and not up to do anything serious.. last night was really exhausting with farewell party for jepp and lin that lasted till about 1.30 am in the morning. and at 2 this afternoon, said my goodbyes to them both. hopefully we'll be meeting again soon..
some people are really not good with goodbyes.. but unluckily i am too good at it. the after effect of goodbyes can make me feel really down and it really doesnt help when i have to say goodbye to my 10 years good friend..only after reading her raya card that i realised we have always gone through things together for the last 10 years.. from tkc, kmys and london... suddenly this year we are going to be apart.. i bet those ppl who have really close frens know what i am feeling now
suddenly it clicked me.. now we are entering zaman dewasa where we have to decide things on our own and we have to face the consequences.. things are no longer set up fo us. we have to make things happen.. your frens are no longer that close to you.. ppl will start to be busy with their spouses and family and career.. it sure sucks.. but that's life i guess
growing up with friends i always thought that we will always have each other no matter what. those were the childish thoughts i have when i was small. now i realized that though your friends are still there for you, they too have their own commitments and responsibilities. the picture is no longer you and me in front of the tree with the sun so bright and the birds singing but maybe you and me doing different things in different parts of the world hoping that memories will stick us together. but it is comforting to know that atleast you still have ppl who care, near or far. i am so glad that though i am sad, there is always somebody i can call to cheer me up.
anyways, i am glad that i had one week to spend with her though a bit of kelam kabut. thanks for bringing the warmthness back again in this cold London life. will miss you terribly but hey, atleast we had those 10 years right? hope to see you again in KL.. or specific, menara rebung.. soon! hehe..
though i am sad, i know that atleast i have let those special ppl in my life know that i care about them and cherish their presence... have you?
i have nobody to blame but myself for not making enough time to sit and write a proper blog. time management is very bad at the moment. and it's not only that, the room is a sore to the eyes.. going back to my room is actually such a dread..
anyway, how is ramadhan going for everyone? due to homesickness, been listening to era almost everyday, in hope to listen to some raya songs.. yeah i know i can listen on my laptop but there's no feeling in it i guess. some ppl just dont listen to era so that they do not feel homesick but for me, i want to relive the feelings i have when i was celebrating raya in malaysia. it's sad, yess.. but that's part and parcel of life i guess
i bet most of u know that lin and tini are in london this week for their graduation. congratulations my ex-housemates!!! u guys deserve it.. so it was sort of a gathering last night with nandos and coffee in holiday villa.. it is damn good to see familiar london faces back again.. with man, ghoy, jepp, tini, lin, medi and fina.. did i miss anyone? dont think soo.. maybe if we are lucky there'll be a second round tomorrow night. so to those in bath and soton... mai la turun london.. :-)
many things to tell.. but mind cannot form words.. not in a good mood today.. couldnt say woke up at the wrong side of the bed.. but maybe.. just maybe.. a tiny thing have spoilt my day.. oh well.. got to learn to control my feelings..
hope your day was better than mine!
and yeah.. happy 23rd birthday Lin!! (though it was yesterday! :-p)
kadang-kadang bile kecacatan atau kekurangan tu ada pada diri kita, kita selalu rasakan yang perkara tu tak lah sebesar mana. pada kita, benda itu normal, tak apa sebab ianya satu daripada character.. tapi apabila kita nampak kecacatan itu pada seseorang yang lain, baru lah kita sedar yang kadang kala perkara yang pada kita normal dan org lain patut memahaminya, bukan lah sesuatu yang patut disimpan dalam diri kita
betullah org kata gajah depan mata tak nampak, tapi kuman seberang sana, jelas saja. mungkin nak sedar kesilapan pada diri ni sesuatu yang susah, tapi salah orang kita nampak aje. dan bile salah org tu sebenarnya ada pada kita, baru lah kite sedar. kadang2 rasa patut berterima kasih jugak dengan org yang menyedarkan kita tuh walaupon kita tak suke dengan fi'il dia yang satu tu, tapi bile kita tau apa perasaan org lain bile kita pun buat macam tu, barulah kita rasa yang kita patut berubah.. secepat mungkin
memang susah nak admit kesalahan sendiri tapi tak perlu nak admit dekat sesiapa. cuma patut berazam yang kita akan berubah. tak ada sesiapa patut justify yang kita dah berubah atau tak. kita sendiri yang tau sama ada kita dah sampai ke tidak anjakan paradigma yang kita set sendiri tuh.
so, sempena bulan mulia ni, ade ke rasa kekurangan pada diri yang kita patut ubah? kalau ada, bagus la.. sebab bukan semua org sempurna. mungkin pandang cermin saja tak cukup nak identify silap kita. itu la sebabnya dalam Islam kita digalakkan muhasabah tiap2 malam sebelum tido. malangnya, bila kepala dah kena bantal, tak sempat apa.. dah lelap.. tak pon, mula lah berangan..
kesimpulannya, jom lah semua ingat balik apa yang kita boleh baiki dalam diri kita ni.. insya Allah.. banyak manfaatnya
salam ramadhan semua!
anybody fancy a shopping trip to bicester this saturday? come all.. dinner is on man.. oxford's nandos.. :-)
anyways, my computer decided to crash. and after reformatting it, it gives me a lot of problems, such as, not reading the cd, shuts down when i am using it. so brought it to the pc world's computer clinic... possibly nothing wrong with the hardware but maybe with the factory reset cd. had to call the tiny customer service, for £1 per minute, to order the cd and it will arrive in 5 days time.. if i am filthy rich, i will just buy a new one, since this laptop has been giving me problems for about a year. but i am not, and my boyfriend is not Sultan Brunei's son, so i have to be patient and pray that this laptop will soon recover from its demam selsema
bride and prejudice was hilarious.. kinda stupid and over acting but i guess that's what makes it fun! beware though .. ashwarya rai IS a little bit fat in that movie! but Martin Henderson... who played Mr DArcy was a total hunk!!!
did i mention that i lost all of my oc files and my season 4 gilmore girls??? plus some of the photos which i have not yet write? major lesson learnt.... buy your laptop from a reliable brand.. so i guess i will need my friends' kindness to burn all the cds for me! yes, you know who you are..
it is a miracle.. when i get to use the internet 2 days in a row! ahahah.. i am now in UCL, tumpanging my dearest housemate's uni to use the internet considering her school is like 15 minutes from my place. it was raining heavily when i came out of the house but 5 minutes later, when i got off the bus, there comes the sunshine. crazy english weather!
good news though.. the phone line in our house will be connected insya Allah this friday, which means, we'll probably get out internet connection in 2 weeks time.. i know.. it's half a month, but it's better than nothing!
some frens came to london yesterday, resulting the the trip to the ever so famous nahar. so i had mee goreng ayam.. which was not fantastic.. but i would recommend mee bandung to anybody thinking of going there for dinner. but thanks to our two visitors for belanjaing me my dinner! cheers!
by the way, anybody heard of the movie Bride and Prejudice? for those who dont, it is basically a hindustani muvi directed in England, presumably based on the famous novel by Jane Austen, pride and Prejudice. and i have booked my ticket for friday night show! :-) it's a girls night out. about 10 of us are going to support hindi movie.. plus, it's ashwarya rai.. it's worth it. so hopefully i will not be disappointed..
a personal msg to someone coming here on 24th oct, can u pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee buy the cd Eiffel Im in Love??? i really wanna watch that movie.. plissss... :-)
this week is the PMR week in malaysia. and one of the thousands candidates is my little sister, Ira. i am sure she is fully prepared and wishes the very best of everything to her. hopefully it turns out well and she scores her 8As
in the meantime, i am still without internet connection at my place due to some problems with BT. really hope it will get fixed in no time.
since my place is only 10 mins walk to oxford st, i have been there a couple of times this week. bad.. very bad.. luckily there is the return policy here allowing me to return things i do not need, which i bought as a result of making an impulse purchase.
i am thinking of changing my page to a different address since tripod's ads are all over my page. anybody with any suggestions? free hosting with reasonable amount of space. and i use html for my design.
still waiting for another friend of mine to come back to UK from msia. should arrive on 2nd oct but heard that she extended her hols till 7th oct. how nice.. if you are reading this, please bring with you some of the karipaps made by that girl with her atuk! cheers..
Yati Zain