the tsunami news was as shocking to me as to everybody i guess. it was such an enormous disaster that affected almost all the countries in Asia especially south of Asia. even malaysia which is outside the lingkaran api was affected with 43 deaths if im not mistaken, as of now. watching the news on tv with all the dead bodies lying around in India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia was really sad. and it is times like this that we realise Allah's power to do anything to this world. It might be another reminder to us humans that we cannot predict anything in the next 10 minutes. to believe that everything is in qada and qadr and to always have faith in God Almighty.
hi everybody!!! so sorry for not updating for such a long time.. as the title mentions, i am in vancouver now.. precisely, in an internet cafe with other ppl playing counter strike. dodgy sungguh sebab gelap aje tempat ni..
anyway my exam ended on the 15th and i left london on the 16th. it's been damn fun here, just like in malaysia, only the weather is colder and the currency is dollar. all four of us girls are camped in my first sister's house along with the in laws and the nephews. like my sis said, 'semua cucu cicit minhat ada kat sini'
food is excellent, travelling is superb and the shopping is fantabulous! we are actually living by the saying shop till u drop. plus, it's boxing day today and it was a damn wrestling day to be exact!
cant write much. will be back in london soon.. hopefully will have more time there to upload pictures and stuff like that.. toodalooo..
i didnt realise how much i miss blogging until i read other ppl's wonderful writings. and it is not just the thing they write, but also the way the put it. ~sigh~ i started blogging just to fill my time. it all started when the boyfren left me here and suddenly i have so much time to myself. haha.. no dear, i am not blaming you... but i am not addicted to it.. i do it only when i feel like it. and in malaysia, when i have things going around me, i rarely update. but it's nice to read other ppl's blogs, and sometimes, i got inspired after reading theirs.
anyway i still have another paper to go. cant wait to finish my exams.. there are so many things to look forward to. have been planning to go to southampton sometime before my next semester starts, and even lancaster but i know this is all just temptation.. this is what exam does to you.. they give you all the ideas and you end up not doing it. because in the end, i'll just be in london, dozing off in my room or just being lazy
i went to oxford street just now. had to pick up some stuff for my sister. and they made up the skating ring again in marble arch.. it is soooo christmasy.. the last time it was there, we were supposed to go skating.. but he wanted to try it in msia first.. so we never did. in london, or anywhere in the world in fact. i dont want to go alone this year, for so many reasons.. first, it''s pathetic.. second, what if i fall???? but it soooo does brings back all the memories.. darn skating ring!
i'd better go now. so tired after the battle with my tax paper this morning.. which is by the way, not so great. but what's done is done.. as a muslim, i have to pray and tawakkal continuosly. May He helps me always.. amin
Good nite!
Yati Zain